For the 752 course project, you must submit a written report that
documents the work you have performed in the context of the project. This report should strive for the same
quality of presentation as the papers you have read during the semester, and
should be well-organized, clearly written, and should stand alone (meaning that
a reasonably well-informed reader will not have to refer to additional
materials to understand what you have done). Please format the report neatly and
check for typos, spelling, and grammatical correctness.
Here is a recommended report structure:
Title and Abstract: these should capture the main contributions
of your project and summarize your results/findings.
Introduction and
Motivation: introduce the topical
area, identify the key problem or problems, explain their importance, and
provide a brief overview of the solution (or study, or survey; whichever is
relevant) that you are presenting.
Prior Work: summarize relevant related work, with
appropriate citations
Main Concepts/Contributions: One or more sections that explain your main
contributions and the details of operation of any algorithms, structures, or
simulation studies that you proposed, implemented, and/or evaluated as part of
your project. Block diagrams, flow
charts, and detailed examples can be very helpful in presenting such concepts.
Results and
Discussion: Provide and justify any
quantitative results, preferably using graphs (vs. tables).
Conclusions and
Future Work: Summarize your findings,
identify remaining open problems or issues, and suggest the next steps for this
References: Properly formatted references to relevant
prior papers that are cited in the body of the report.
Statement of Work: The project report must also include a
statement of work that identifies the contributions of each individual on the
team. This statement of work must
reflect a team consensus and must be signed by all team members. I recommend that you structure this statement
as a table with a row for each project milestone, a column for each team
member, and the percentage contribution of each team member to each milestone
in the entries in the table.
Finally, please provide a github or bitbucket repository or TAR or ZIP file of any source code (software
and/or hardware description language) that you have written as part of this
project. This file should be uploaded
to the Canvas dropbox. Since the course project is graded primarily
based on effort, not results, I will need to access your source files to gauge
the amount of effort you have expended on the project.